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Best Practice Guide

The Fundamentals of an ECM Implementation Project

Is your organization looking to improve its document and information management practices, and is considering an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system?

Implementing an ECM system can be an efficient solution to content problems. However, it can only reach its full potential of increased efficiency if the organization has effectively done the ground work prior to implementation. This means the organization knows the starting point and the desired state, in addition to dedicating enough time and resources for definition, implementation and follow up.

In an Enterprise Content Management project, just like any other project, it is important to set up the basic expectations and to understand what the organization is attempting to do.

To succeed, the organization needs to take three, vital steps to start planning an ECM implementation project.

  1. Set clear business objectives
  2. Understand the change and what it means for the organization, and for the people in it
  3. Understand the risks involved

Without taking these three steps, it is impossible to plan and manage the project in a way that supports the business and its key processes. And, it will inevitably fail to deliver the increased efficiency as the new ways of working will not support key business processes.

Even though an ECM implementation project typically includes new software that needs to be taken into use, it is NOT an IT project. An ECM implementation project will and should change the business processes, workflows, and most of all, employee behavior. Without proper attention to the human aspect, you are bound to fail in some of your key objectives.

Elements of an ECM implementation project

We can look at the project as five steps of transformation. At the core is the new ECM system. That is followed by document management practices and how they change with the new system. The next focus area is to generate efficiency by developing workflows. These workflows will support business processes and transform how they are managed. And finally, this all needs to change employee behavior. If employees do not embrace the new system and ways of working, the desired effect on profitability will be lacking.

If you wish to learn more about what to take into consideration before starting an ECM project, request a free copy of our Best Practice Guide How to start, manage and implement an ECM project:

Eija Paajanen

About Eija Paajanen

Eija works as Product Marketing Manager at M-Files. Eija develops the product launch processes, manages launch projects, and develops the product value proposition in addition to creating product-related content.

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